Tunnels and Underpasses
The cladding of walls along tunnels performed with vitreous-enamel coated steel panels, permits nowadays to satisfy the increased technical requirements in terms of safety and time durability. Vitreous-enamel coated steel represents an excellent alternative to those materials traditionally employed in the past (ceramic tiles, painted metal sheets, plastic staves, fibrous cement etc.) because:
- it presents unlimited duration and can be easily cleaned thanks to the hardness of vitreous-enamel;
- it is incombustible and in case of fire within the tunnel, it does not emit toxic and harmful gases;
- in the presence of dripping of water phenomena, it is not subject to crumbling in case of freezing;
- colours remain unaltered along time;
- very little maintenance is required and, in case of damage due to accidental collision, every single damaged panel can be easily replaced, with the guarantee that new panels will have identical color as the previous ones.
Our offer includes design, supply and installation of the wall cladding panels. Optionally, it will be possible to integrate our package with solutions aimed at increasing lighting and visibility of walls along the gallery:
- inclusion of phosphorescent enamelled strips;
- impost walls with highly visible refractive surface at height of vehicular lights (color white, yellow, or as required by the client);
- platform with refractive save-wheel inclination towards the carriageway (alternating color white-black, yellow-black or refractive white arrows over black background as curve delineators).